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Functional Anatomy Bundle

Course Price




Functional Anatomy Bundle


Allison Denney

Allison Denney has been a practicing massage therapist for 20 plus years. In addition to cultivating a flourishing private practice, she has established herself as an integral part of the massage community through her years as a teacher, her popular YouTube channel, and her launch of the Rebel Massage organic, professional-grade Deep Tissue Body Butters. Her passion for client care and fascination with anatomy continues to drive her to never stop growing.

About the course

This class was originally held as a webinar and is now offered as an online home study. Join Master Instructor Allison Denney online in a three part online workshop series focused on the lower leg and foot, the low back and hip, and the shoulder and the rotator cuff.

Uncover common and often misunderstood dysfunctions including:
Shin Splints
Plantar Fasciitis
QL Syndrome
Psoas Interventions
Rotator Cuff Injuries
Nerve Entrapment
The intricate function of human anatomy - the foundation of how we move and what moves us - is the premise of our work. Understanding DYSfunction is the next step to the success of your craft. Learn how to work in detail and with confidence.​

"Anatomy is to physiology as geography is to history; it describes the theatre of events." — Jean François Fernel

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